Broad to Focus
I waited for ten full minutes to write but not a single words comes in to the page. It’s not because of the fact that my mind is empty but the opposite. My mind is full of thougts each leading to different direction in multi dimensional setting. These facts contribute the most to make our writing uninteresting for both readers and writers. Our mind is fast but not eye and brain. Eye and mind can focus on very specific things while reading. Writers can’t continue because too many direction and reader can’t follow. In both way writing becomes ineffective.
TL:DR: Too much thougts in mind doesn’t help in writing.
There lies great hardship, little bit of luck and hard works to put those thoughts into meaningful words. The meaningful words terms can be put to questionary arrows like what is meaningful, to whom its meaningful, what the writer meants, for whom the writing means, why, what, how it means? One writing can’t explicitly answar all the questions. Rather they focus on some parts. The more we think about the more it becomes vague and complex. The more we want to cram in our writings it takes more effort to follow alone and cover every of the answars.But is it? Short answer is Yes. This is where I find a great similarity between research and writings. To write effectively we must explicitely or implicitely state what and how much boundaries are covered via this writings. Like a particular research project a writing takes care of a minor length of a grand line towards one of the infinite direction. But similar to a particular research project, writing describes us about the writer and serve a piece of puzzle towards grand scheme.
TL:DR: I will be talking about academic and research writing via eye of me as a researchers.
Writing full of wondering thoughts are not easy for the followers. Here come the most important piece of the information for the writer. Why someone wants to write? Well it depends. In this blog, I want to go over my experience of the first grand writings. I want to know how I am developing and evolving my thoughts throughout the my careers. I will elaborate what I think of that will help me next time as a proposal writer.
Quantity over Quality and vice-versa
I regard different opinions with utmost respect. I believe about the number of work more than quality of the works. I understand the importance of the quality too. But I prioritize the quantity with keen focus of quality. I think the power is the editing. I can’t put a perfect paragraph and can’t wait till I put a perfect paragraph. I know, in my whole life I will never find a perfect things. Tell me one thing that is perfect I will argue. Please don’t put religious stuff down here. I am thankful to God for every single things.
Saying that what I want to point out that, don’t wait for the perfect writings. Write, write, write even if is a garbage. Work, work, Work even if its not perfect. One day you will look back and will realize you have done some good or may be better works. Nobody can put perfect theory of works. You don’t trust me! Well you might trust this guy, he was a genius. Richard Feynman of on research
Now you have contents. Work to improve it. Take some time to stop going for quantity and focus on quality. And after that tiny time off. Repeat - Quantity first with keeping mind to quality.
Problem First!
Results first!
Describe the experiments with assumption and motivation.
Improve your writings
- Concise
- Formal
- Precise
- Impersonal
- Tentative
- Carefully structured
Avoid wasting words: Redundant expressions
- Remove repetitious information
- Using action verb - shun ‘tion’
- No use for redundant expression
Avoid Contractions and colloquial expressions
Using Exact words
Maintain an objective, detached tone.
Use qualifiers but in moderation.
- not to use may or similar Tentative words mostly
Organize your paper to help readers.
Check for repetition in text and remove it by keeping information in right place. Iterate and reiterate.
Structures in Writing
Personal Summary: Writing concerns about expressing the thoughts. It’s the writers responsibly to clearly write the thoughts for readers. Thoughts runs around neuron to neuron inside head. To express it inside the pen-paper, a good guidelines are necessary. Good structure sews the thread of thoughts like an expert. The structure should reflect the big picture. It should be stand-alone to express and support the thoughts’ materialization over paper in a black-box manner. However, in practice, the ideas/thoughts will govern the shape structure to fully fit itself within the body of those created structure. A good structure requires some good amount of plannings and thoughts itself.
The structure serves two special goals. Firstly, forms a basis of what to write to express. A bad structure fails to provides spaces for thoughts to take shape in writing. If writers has still information to structure beyond the current framework the structure requires to be reformulated. So, it becomes an iterative process. This can be expressed by a simple algorithm. (i) Formulate a structure based on the thoughts/goal/big picture (ii)Does that structure holds the necessary spaces for thoughts to take shape? If yes No worries. If No, please reconstruct the structure. Secondly, it provides a platform for the writers to focus on what to put in a particular place. I believes, the structuring accelerates the writing. This can be again traced back to first goal. While filling if the writer really heat bottom of spaces to put his thoughts, he requires to reformulate the structure.
The structure is not always the big heading! It may also provide cohesion for each paragraph and sentences. We can call the big structure as Macro basis and the paragraph structure as micro basis. Macro Basis are utmost important for independent academic writing like paper, grant, proposal. Macro basis concerns with the goal and purpose of the writing. It serves the 101 of writing: Expressing thoughts in the best way. The writer must find the best possible macro structure for his writings in iterative fashion. On the contrary, In case of already structured setting, the macro basis are already formulated for the writer, which can be a good structure or bad structure. Writers should obey this constraint. I feel the writers should start with the MACRO basis before even starts to write, by considering the big picture and goals. As writer focuses on Macro-basis time to time, he always aims the big picture and writing goals.
In all scenarios (macro basis given or formulated), micro basis structure plays a vital role. The writer’s choice of best micro basis creates the best writing conditioned on the provided information. The micro basis treads the information already exists. This is where the 2.5 writing comes to play. As soon as we have macro basis we use our 0.5 draft to put the information altogether. Micro basis structure takes those and edit them in a comprehensible manner, the 2 writing. Macro basis threads key information from 0.5 draft to support and clarify each of the macro basis. Micro basis aims to uphold and help one specific macro basis itself towards overall goal, eventually filling the purpose of expressing thoughts clearly. In case of left over information from the 0.5 draft, the writers need to rethink the micro structure to address those missed points.
Personal Motto: Each Written Word Matters Towards Going Forward. So Write Wisely only in the final Drafts.
Academic writing
Whereas the general purpose of writing is to express thoughts, academic writing brings forth the researcher’s work to the audiences. The usual writing conveys writers’ thinkings. Here, the writers’ prospects are not bound to be supported by the facts or evidence. Meanwhile, the academic writing creates a storyline for the researchers’ research work encompassing the hypothesis, experiments, results, analysis, evidence, drawbacks, discussions, motivations, and much more beyond researchers’ thoughts or beliefs. Without an active thought towards presenting the research work, it is easy to get lost in the unnecessary details and fail to convey the research work efficiently in an organized way. Such failure or disorder in writing leads to the rejection of research work by the scientific community, even if the research work is of high caliber.
A scientific paper requires organized reporting of substantial elements concerning the research work efficiently. For instance, the final writing should contain necessary evidence besides the belief that persuades the readers to the research outcome with fluency. These additional writing requirements in reporting research work encourage the researchers to develop skills in a particular branch of writing named academic writing. Academic writing provides researchers the right tools to present their work comprehensively and fluently for the audiences in the concerned community.
As academic writing ensures the clarity of reporting research work for the audiences, many researchers have investigated and reported various methods and techniques concerning academic writing to help other researchers. Here we will sort out some of the techniques of academic writing for presenting research works,
Academic Writing: From the MOOC edx writing course.
- The 2.5 writing method. Write a mess and clean it. This would help to get over the cold start problem and writers block (solution: 0.5 step, focus free writing to simulate the flow). practice the style and master it for yourselves.
- Write 10 minutes to simulate the flow states. Write everything down and shrink it later. Think with the fingers. Write every angle down, every thing down (the 0.5 step). Now the actual process begins. Make outline and reiterate.
- logical flow of ideas (after 0.5), still think about ideas. beginning of the clean up process! look into the text and highlight important phase or point in what we wrote. Now make coherent sentences out of those highlighters. The ideas are in logical orders now (Draft 1) Most interesting parts
- Polish the writing (Draft 2). Now the fine-tuning. Don’t be afraid to add new sentences later on at any mentioned stages if you need it.
Interesting points: Outlining writing should be between the 0.5 and 1 step.
- cohesion and Paragraph
- 101: Present familiar(?) before new information (need meticulous care to perform)
- Familiar!! Subjects that are themes of the text
- Information from previous sentences
- Connected phase (beware not to put many! may fake cohesion! not to overuse)
- universal subjects (we, current research) - familiar
- paragraph
- Topic sentence (moderate; not to broad or narrow)
- Provide clear milestone (sense from the topic sentences)
- Main idea first / hypothesis - now let me prove it!!
- evidence and details to prove the topic sentence
- Paragraph transition - connect it with previous topic sentence -
- Paragraph to paragraph cohesion.
- 101: Present familiar(?) before new information (need meticulous care to perform)
- More on Cohesion link
- The use of vocabulary and grammar to connect ideas in a text/paragraph
- English - writer responsible language
- Cohesive Devices
- Use of pronoun (it, he, … from previous sentence)
- Lexical Signposts (control /organize the writing )
- Listing words
- Words to make examples
- words/ phares for generalized
- show a result/consequences
- Words to summarize
- words to express alternative
- Repeating Key-words in the paragraph - connected to the topic sentences
- Anaphoric Nouns
- This view/situation/claims/explanation, …. etc
- Review and edit
- link
- Coherent Paragrpah
- Topic Sentences
- Relevant Supporting sentences
- Logical order of sentences (time, space, importance)
- Cohesive Devices
- Linking Words
- conjunction (coordinating {for, and, nor, but, or, yet, ..} and Subordinating {although, if, while, until ,… } )
- Adverbs
- However, therefore, as a result
- Time order - first, second, then
- Linking Words
- Wait for the right moment/place to drop the punch line.
- Avoid Nominalization (verbs to noun/adjective)
- Aviod ‘tion’ as much as we can (modify them to verbs)
- Both noun and adjective !!
- When okay (3 scenario)
- Refer to previous sentences
- instead of the face!!
- unnatural wordiness
- Aviod ‘tion’ as much as we can (modify them to verbs)
- Eliminating redundancy (VVI)
- repetitive wording (use clause or merge adjectives)
- Redundant pairs
- Prepositional phrases (look for reduce the preposition - should be easy but careful) - vital parts - use them in the best possible way
- Redundant modifier and determiners
- Active voice writings
- passive creates confusions and add extra words.
- permitted when agents is not important. or to keep cohesion.
- The doer is not important
- Avoid sprawling sentences -cause stylistic problem
- Sprawling: fit too many ideas altogether.
- Read the sentence in one breathe! read the writing out loud (no tripping)
- should go to subject immediately/quickly (Keep introductory phase concise)
- try to Go with concrete subject
- stop interruption between subject-verb-object. (keep them as close as possible)
- not too many relative clauses (eliminate redundancy)
- Credibility -
- Register - level of formality (word choice)
- not conversational (avoid you)
- Use Precise word and neutral tone
- Avoid but/and/so at beginning
- Avoid rhetoric question.
- Avoid informal words!
- Hedging - Tone
- Modal verbs: May/can
- Seems to: appear,
- Possibly: probable, if, occasionally
- Avoid Plagiarism: Must
- Cite and Refer Must
- Distinguish what is your and others
- Paraphrasing is important.
- careful synonyms
- changing sentence structure.
- Register - level of formality (word choice)
- Comma - no hard fast rule !!
- not to use comma to separate independent clauses (comma splice error)
- use comma to clear introductory element
- No comma after coordinating conjunction, but use before them.
- Comma to emphasis.
- No comma that separates subject-verb-object, but may use pair comma. (great solution)
- no comma for defining Relative clauses (may use comma for non-defining comma.)
- The oxford comma! (comma before and)
- Others ;:.’’
- : for list (independent clause and list) / mostly sub-clauses
- ; Separates independent cluases.
- Non-essential information () or double comma.
- ! not recommendation.
- Why we write?
- Keep the big picture in mind: Motivation, and goal. -why is it interesting, how did you get there, what does the work brings?
- Choose Genre and think audience - What are you writing.
- Organize and structure of the paper - Create outline. (change logically if requires.)
- Paragraph and Sentence level
- keep the writing clear
- cohesion and paragraphing
- subject active verbs
- making writing interesting
- Active
- Explaining complex ideas
- syncing sentence - subject(at beginning) verb object close together. Modifier and coordination to extend the sentences.
- Write responsibly
- Register and citation.
- keep the writing clear
- Paragraph tips
- Make the first sentence of the topic sentences
- Provide supports for the topic points via middle sentences
- Last sentence - A conclusion or transition
- Understanding when to start a new paragraph
- Using transitional words when necessary
- Common mistakes to Avoid
- Small
- Be consistent
- Cut out the jargon
- Stick with your outline (be flexible only conscious need) -plan an do.
- Read our own text loud.
- Big
- Not getting bogged down in details
- Give only what they need
- Have fun
- Your work’s place in the world
- Not getting bogged down in details
- Small
Paragraph Writing Generalization
Paragraph characteristics by keeping the “ARGUMENT” or “Thesis Statement” in the head
- Unified - One paragraph revolving the idea of the topic sentences
- Related to the “Thesis Statement” - Why we need the paragraph in the first place
- Logical Sentence flow - Coherence: Known idea First
- Well developed - Concludes within it or provide a good transitional step
The characteristics of paragraphs may act as a good baseline to judge the written section and Here we point out some of the ways to ensure the characteristics of the paragraph are satisfied. The ways to develop paragraph are context dependent. Based on the situation, context, and writers preference there are multiple ways to develop a paragraph
- Narration
- Description
- Process
- Classification
- Illustration
We can follow 5 steps to develop a paragraph
- Decide on the controlling idea and create a topic Sentence
- Explain the controlling idea
- Give an example & Explain the example
- Complete paragraph’s idea or Transition to the next paragraph.
To edit is divine and makes first draft better. The paragraph requires multiple revision, iteration to get to the better shape. Here’s some interesting ways to debug the paragraph.
- Problem 1: The paragraph has no Topic Sentence - Try to cover whats coming as much extent as possible without harming the sentence. Requires a lot of practices.
- Problem 2: Well, the paragraph has more than one controlling ideas, which I do a lot. I definitely should be proactively care for it to avoid.
- Problem 3: What if I need a transition internally in the paragraph? link. Try to use single word/phrase transition inside the paragraph to do so. If you requires more than single word/phrase for transition inside the paragraph, then rethink the organization linked above.
Thesis Statement
A thesis statement
- How the writer will interpret the significance of the subject matter
- roadmap of paper - what to expect from the paper
- The sentences that presents the argument (may be at beginning or ending)
Organization of Drafts
Reorganize: To connect the ideas in a logical ways.
Two prerequisites for organizing the ideas.
- Having good idea about thesis statement
- Knowing how to develop a good paragraph
5 Strategies to organize the paper
- Reverse Outlining
- Make an draft outline
- Examine the output by questioning
- Coherence: how the idea related to the original aim and what ideas come after and before it
- Repetition: Do the same words, ideas, and phrases appear again and again?
- Overall Logic: will the order easy for the readers? Why did we put up this organization? is there any place where topics change suddenly? Have we cover everything we promised? Do we have right balance between the sections?
- Repeat the cycle
- Talking it out
- Explain what is the paper about
- Take notes or record the conversation
- Get some listener!!
- Sectioning
- Put paragraphs under section heading
- Re-examine each section
- Re-examine entire argument
- Listing and narrowing your arguments
- Re-examine the thesis
- Re-examine the drafts general structure
- Reorganize the argument
- Visualizing
Writing an Abstract in scientific Paper
What things should be in a good abstract
- Context; The general topic under study
- Central research questions
- A bit of previous research
- Reasons, rationales, and goals of the research.
- Research or the methods
- Main results
- Importance of the findings
- Depicts unbiased picture
Abstract type link
Usually Contains - (i) Overall purpose of the study (research problems) (ii) Basic study design (iii) Major finding as result in analysis (iv) Brief summary of interpretation. Based on the contents the abstract can be categorized as follow:
- Critical Abstract: Main finding with additional comments/judgements
- Descriptive abstract:
- Informative Abstract: The majority of the abstract.
- Highlight abstract: Rarely used in research paper
Tips on good presentation preparation
Constructive negative feedback helps personal development by helping us to drop the learning redundancy, especially in cases where we have some basics as it narrows down the problems we need to focus and work on to improve effectively. A good tutorial may contain lots of elements that we already may know. These known information definitely reinforces our beliefs but fails to push forward to fast and necessary adjustments for earlier ignored/unenlightened mistakes. Reinforcing already established developed good practices may be not worth of our valuable time. Moreover, in case of individual-specific problems, general tutorials provide little information to take in. Constructive Negative feedback loops solves this loopy problems by showing us the new/ignored field to explore. By detecting individual’s problems/faults/bad habits to focus on, negative feedback provides a tangential direction to explore and enhance horizon of developments.
In general, we have basics presentation skills and lots of spaces to upgrade. We somewhat knows how to prepare presentation slides and deliver them. Iterating over already known good stuffs may not be a good idea to refine the presentation skills. In this scenario Negative feedback provides a faster ways to learn by enabling exploration to new paradigm, beyond comfort zones. It detects the personal bottleneck problems while preparing and delivering presentations and enable the individual to attack the limitation and grow to standard/beyond standard quickly.
In this regards, I feel constructive negative feedback helps me better in case of personal development. It provides me with the goal of avoiding mistakes and helps me to stay focused. This way I don’t get distracted by the false lure of perfection, instead solely focus on possibly avoiding all sort of mistakes.
Here’s goes some personal presentation tips. (find where you requires to focus on)