Optical Flow
For frames in video, we assume object moves but the intensity of pixel remains same.
Now using taylors formula
Combining the earlier two gives,
This show relation between image gradients alone x, y and time axis. The unknowns are u and v. This requires methods like Mean shift color histogram tracking, Lucas-Kanade methods. It’s an optimization problem.
A distinction to keep in mind for recovering motion.
- Feature-tracking; Extract visual features and track them
- Optical flow; Recover image motion at pixel from spatio-temporal image brightness variations (the brightness assumption, small motion and spatial coherence should maintain).
Solving equation, modified and matrix form from the earlier equation.
Deep learning has some implementation of the optical flow: FlowNet and its variations.
- FlowNetS:
- Simple implementaion
- Encoder Decoder layeryer
- Euclidean distance between true and ground truth vector
- FlowNetC
- Correlated
- Two similar structure
- FlowNet 2.0
- 1st Layer of FlowNetC
- FlowNetCS (Combination of C and S)
- Warping
- Training Dataset: Syntheic data
Eulerian Video Maginification
A computational technique to visualize the small change in video. A function approximation and magnify the function. Related to fluid mechanics in Lagrangian Prospective. Transforming image into a complex steerable pyramid. Exaggerating the phase variation. Amplify the small motions.
- Linear Video Magnification: First-Taylor arguments.
1.1 1D Translation: Goal is to motion magnification of the following signal.
The interesting part are the change
Using Taylor Expantion
Now the magnification:
Amplified factor (1 + )
1.2 General case: Similar like general taylor with amplification factor.
1.3. Limitation:
- Overshoot or undershoot (too large motion causes artifacts)
- Noise amplificatin
Has another better alternative
- Phase based magnification: Use of wavelet
2.1 Simplified Global case:: Assumption about the functional form of previous function
Now we get phase difference by using the change in time by which get amplified by amplification factor. Breaking image into local sinusoid using complex steerable pyramid.
2.2 Complex steerable pyramid: Concept of wavelet and basis functon to localize frequency and space.
2.3 Phase Shift and Translation: Related to phase based optical flow.
Model Compression
Focused on 4 key Contributions
- Parameter pruning/ quantization (drop redundant/uncritical information)
- Quantization and Binarization
- Network pruning
- Structural matrix
- Low-rank Factorization (estimate informative params)
- Transferred or compact convolutional filters (training from scratch)
- Knowledge distillation (From scratch)
- Dynamic capacity network
- Stochastic depth network
Table: Summary [source paper]
- Deep Compression
- Network Pruning, Quantization, Huffman encoding
- Weight Quantization method
SqueezeNet link
- SepNetlink